ADÇ/ALC Semineri, 2 Mayıs 2008

29 Nisan 2008 Salı

2 Mayıs 2008 Cuma günü saat 16:40’da ADÇ 2008 Bahar döneminin dokuzuncu konuşması Hacettepe Üniversitesi'nden Aydoğan Yanılmaz tarafından gerçekleştirilecek. Konuşma Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Beytepe Kampüsündeki Edebiyat Fakültesi binasında bulunan B4 103 no’lu derslikte sunulacak. Some Remarks on Polarity Phenomena in Turkish başlığını taşıyan konuşmada ve diğer konuşmalarda görüşmek üzere.

2 Mayıs 2008, 16:40 H.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi (Giriş Kat), B4 103 no’lu derslik.

Since the seminal work of Klima (1964), research on Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) has basically revolved around the identification and characterization of the licensing conditions that assign grammaticality to the NPIs. Proposals for the licensing of NPIs have been made from two perspectives: whether their linguistic behavior is a syntactic or semantic in nature. Though within various theoretical backgrounds, Klima (1964); Laka (1990); Progovac (1993); Sohn (1995) all attribute the licensing conditions of NPIs to their syntactic properties. In semantically based approaches, the problem has been analyzed in terms of the downward entailment theory (Fauconnier 1975; Ladusaw 1980). Following the former line of thinking, studies on the analysis of Turkish NPIs have tended to unearth the syntactic behaviors of NPIs and their significance in the clausal structure (Zidani-Eroğlu 1997; Tosun 1998; Kelepir; 2001). However, the very lexical nature of Turkish polarity items has not been analyzed at all. In this talk, I will focus on the lexical nature of the Turkish NPIs, specifically on ‘kimse’ and its Free Choice readings.

Fauconnier, G. 1975. Polarity and the scale principle. Chicago Linguistics Society, 11, 188,199.
Ladusaw, W. A. 1980. Polarity Sensitivity as Inherent Scope Relations. Garland, New York.
Kelepir, Meltem. 2001. Topics in Turkish Syntax: Clausal Structure and Scope. Ph.D. Thesis, MIT.
Klima, E. 1969. The Structure of Language. In J. A. Katz & J. A. Fodor, eds. Negation in English.Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.
Sohn, Keun-Won. 1995. Negative Polarity Items, scope, and economy. PH.D. Thesis, UConn.
Tosun, G.A. 1998. The Split Infl hypothesis in Turkish. Unpublished MA Thesis, Boğaziçi University,İstanbul
Zidani-Eroğlu, L. 1997. Indefinite Noun Phrases in Turkish. Ph.D Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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